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Alt 18.02.2008, 12:50   #32
Registriert seit: 02/2005
Ort: Nordsee
Beiträge: 820

Der Kitesurfer Adebo ist kein unbekannter Tourist in Cumbuco. Er hat dort als Kitelehrer gearbeitet. Er kommt aus England und wird, wie ich es aus dem entsprechenden Topic im Kiteforum gelesen habe von allen sehr geschätzt.
In seiner Erwiderung hat es folgendes geschrieben. Ich fasse für mich relevante Teile zusammen:
Er Kitet nicht in dem Bereich und es gab eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Besitzer des Restaurants. Ich habe den Eindruck gewonnen dass es wohl da private Reviere von diesem und jedem gibt. Der Restaurantbesitzer hat also die Polizei auf Adebo gehetzt. Die kommt für so eine Sache ohnehin nicht von alleine. Das scheint mir ein Irrtum zu sein der sich hier verbreitet. Lest selber: (meine Hervorhebungen)

"I do not usually kitesurf in front of Velas. I kite upwind of Velas at the Kairiri Beach building site, and the only time that I have ever become ággressive´towards the manager of Velas was after he threw a lit cigarette at my face, thought about punching me, thought better of it and grabbed my control bar instead looping my kite into the beach, or more particularly looping my kite into three people on the beach and 2 people on horses. My voice was raised my words unkind, not because of his assault on me but because the idiot had put other peoples safety at risk. He had! I take safety very seriously, espécially that those around me. Why only last Friday when a kitesurfer got into trouble just upwind of Velas and was on the beach with his kite on it´s safety but getting close to those in front of Velas I rushed off the water, ran 70-80m upwind, and grabbed his kite so that it wouldn´t hurt any other beach users. Safety isn´t something I talk about, it´s something that I actively participate in both as a teacher and kitesurfer.

3. The owner of Velas has several hotels in Taiba and his manager at Hi-Life also has a residential development in Taiba. A ban in Cumbuco would also benefit their financial interests, your point is? Just as a foot note I am never motivated by money... never!

4. The issue at stake here is who decides who and where you kitesurf in Cumbuco. As far as I am aware that honour rests with the Prefectura. The manager at Velas has appointed himself the power and the manager at Hi-life has lied in order to support him. I for one don´t believe that he should be allowed to do so, simply because where does it stop? Sunset decides only their guests can kite within 200m (up and down wind) of their hotel, Windtown follow suit, Kairiri say you have to pay to use the ocean in front of their hotel/apartments etc. etc. etc. before you know it Cumbuco beach beachfront is a myriad of illegal usage exclusions all enforced by gun totting bribed Policemen. There are right and wrong ways to achieve your goals. If Velas wish to have an unofficial zone gained via consent, then the way to achieve that is to ask. Not to order, screaming and shouting, especially when you´re actually 70-80m upwind of their property! It´s also not by lying in order to pretend that there is an official ban. Anytime the manager from Velas wishes to have a ´reasonable´ discussion about beach usage and safety he´s welcome to discuss the matter with me. Anytime he chooses to confront me in a violent, aggressive, rude and just plain ignorant manner he will receive the same treatment has uptil till now, be politly asked to go away until he calms down."

An Toby, ich habe meine Meinung begründet. Wenn Du meinst du darfst wegen einer Kritik mich schon Sturkopf nennen wie Adebo, tut es mir leid für Dich. Es ist wohl verboten Dich jemals zu kritisieren. Im KK werden deswegen meine Postings gelöscht. Persönlich finde ich das eine unerträgliche Arroganz, wie der Restaurantbesitzer der die Polizei mit gezuckter Waffe auf den Kiter jagt, um auch einen Vergleich zu bemühen. Das hat Dir ja gefallen...

bobi o hat im selbigen Topic in Kiteforum auf S. 5 folgendes geschrieben:
"granted tobys command of written english is fairly poor. but he has clearly breached his role as moderator of this forum by his comments and for this reason i think its time for him to hand over the moderator "reigns" to some fresh blood (excuse the pun!) and go.

every dog has his day,but after over 15000 posts on here,he's clearly not of a stable enough mind to continue in his role.

toby-its time to go."

PS. Ich poste nicht im Kiteforum und bin daher nicht bobi-o
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